We have been helping Ukraine a lot since the war started
November 2023:
Container #9, #10
We are helping Ukraine together with “AMD for Hope” with the support of Niagara Warehouse of Hope, Niagara Christian Gleaners, Not just tourists, For The Needy Not The Greedy, Rotary International, two 40-foot containers have been loaded with food, medical supplies, rehabilitation equipment, humanitarian aid, and a 4×4 pickup truck.
Currently on the way to Ukraine: Rotary Club of Ivano-Frankivsk.
September 2023:
Container #8
“AMD for Hope” with the help of Rotary District 7090, we were approved for $25000 US for the shipment. The funds were used to purchase 200 tourniquets, 92 containers of NSAIDs, thermal clothing, hygiene products, non-perishable food, two generators, and the pickup truck; as well as to pay for the shipment.
August 2023:
Container #7
Another full 40-foot container loaded with medical and humanitarian aid has been shipped and delivered by “AMD for Hope”.
May 2023:
Fundraising event “Ukrainian Treasures” in the St. Peter and St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Container #6
The 40-foot container full of medical and humanitarian aid has been loaded, shipped, and safely delivered to Ukraine by “AMD for Hope”.
April 2023:
“AMD for Hope” was represented at the Niagara Falls City Council meeting
“AMD for Hope” hosted the event for Rotarians of 7090 District where volunteers collected necessities and packed them into 50 handmade bags for seniors in Ukraine. The bags later were shipped to Ukraine in container #6 and have been distributed between seniors in the Kharkiv region.
February 2023:
“AMD for Hope” was represented at the Ice Dogs Hockey game and was honored to participate in the ceremonial puck drop to start the game.
Container #5
Medical supplies and clothing collected from local organizations and donors were packed in the church hall and shipped to Ukraine by “AMD for Hope” in the 40-foot container along with the food and rehabilitation equipment.